When running in batch mode, to remove messages with certain subject lines and containing certain attachments, perform the following steps:
1) Create a text file containing the message subject lines to look for. Each subject line should be entered on a separate line. If you wish to specify a blank subject line, enter ~<BLANK SUBJECT LINE>
2) Save this file as C:\SUBJECTS.TXT
3) Enter the name of the file created in Step 1, in FileContainingListOfMessageSubjects entry of the .INI file.
4) Create a text file containing the attachment names. Each attachment name entered on a separate line.
5) Save this file as C:\ATTACHMENTS.TXT
6) Enter the name of the file created in Step 4, in FileContainingListOfAttachmentNames entry of the .INI file.
7) Set the following INI file entries
i) DataImportMethod = 3
ii) CopyUserData = 1
iii) CopyAssociatedFolderData = 0
iv) CopyFolderPermissions = 0
v) CopyDeletedItemsFromDumpster= 0
vi) SubjectStringMatchCriteria = 0
vii) AttachmentNameStringMatchCriteria = 1
8) Specify the name of your Exchange Server using the SourceServerName INI file setting.
9) Specify the .INI file on the command line, using the -F option, when running ExMerge.exe. The command line used will be similar to: