Sub Click(Source As Button)
' **Scroll down to the "CHANGE HERE" sections to customize this button.
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim content As NotesRichTextItem
Dim note As NotesDocument
Dim cnote As NotesDocument
Dim Removedit As String
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
Set note = uidoc.Document
Set db = note.parentdatabase
Set cnote = New NotesDocument (db)
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change start date for new calendar entry - Change this section for calendar entry************
Set date1 = New NotesDateTime("April 15 2009 10:00 AM ET")
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change end date for new calendar entry - Change this section for calendar entry************
Set date2 = New NotesDateTime("December 16 2009 10:00 AM ET")
' Need help with the next lines (repeatentry and Set repeatinstance)
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change REPEAT dateS for new calendar entry - Change this section for calendar entry************ Comment out "Set repeatentry = "1" if no repeats by placing ' before the line
repeatentry = "1"
'add the repeating days and times here - would like to have repeating days for every 3rd wed. of each month - manually added dates below:
Set repeatinstance = New NotesDateTime("04/15/2009 10:00:00 AM EDT 05/20/2009 10:00:00 AM EDT 06/17/2009 10:00:00 AM EDT 07/15/2009 10:00:00 AM EDT 08/19/2009 10:00:00 AM EDT 09/16/2009 10:00:00 AM EDT 10/21/2009 10:00:00 AM EDT 11/18/2009 10:00:00 AM EST 12/16/2009 10:00:00 AM EST")
'*********CHANGE HERE - subject for new calendar entry - Change this section for calendar entry************
'*********To add a line break , use "+Chr(10)+" .
'*********For example: newSubject = "xyz Demo" +Chr(10) + "Speaker: xyz person" +Chr(10)+ "Location: xyz Bldg." +Chr(10)+ ""
newSubject = "xyz Demo"
'*********CHANGE HERE - description for new calendar entry - Change this section for calendar entry************
'cnote.Body = ""
'*********CHANGE HERE - To add additional descriptive text from your memo to the new calendar entry description - Change this section for calendar entry************
'*********Follow the next 2 steps:
'*********Step 1:
'*********Uncomment the two lines of code below by removing the single quote preceding the lines of code so that the line of code become black text:
'*********For example:
'********* 'Set content = note.GetFirstItem("Body")
'********* 'Call content.CopyItemToDocument(cnote, "Body")
'*********Step 2:
'*********Comment the line above by adding a single quote before the following line of code so the line of code becomes green text.
'*********For example:
'*********cnote.Body = ""
Set content = note.GetFirstItem("Body")
Call content.CopyItemToDocument(cnote, "Body")
'**************************** End of Calendar Change Section ***********************
'***********(1) ********* Begin Do Not Change Below***********************************************************************************
'Create calendar entry
cnote.From = note.From
cnote.Form = "Appointment"
cnote.AppointmentType = "0"
Call cnote.ReplaceItemValue("_ViewIcon", 159)
cnote.CHAIR = session.UserName
cnote.StartDateTime = date1.LSLocalTime
cnote.EndDateTime = date2.LSLocalTime
cnote.CalendarDateTime = date1.LSLocalTime
' repeat calendar entry start - this is where I need help - next two line
cnote.Repeats = "1" = repeatentry
cnote.RepeatInstanceDates = repeatinstance
' repeat calendar entry end
cnote.TimeRange = Timevalue(cnote.StartDateTime(0)) & "-" & _
cnote.ExcludefromView = "D"
cnote.BookFreetime = ""
cnote.Subject=newSubject 'displays in calendar entry and when alarm is generated
Call cnote.AppendItemValue("$BusyName", session.UserName)
Call cnote.AppendItemValue("$BusyPriority", "1")
Call cnote.AppendItemValue("$NoPurge", dt2)
Call cnote.AppendItemValue("$PublicAccess", "1")
Print "An entry for " & newSubject & " has been successfully added to your calendar."
Msgbox "An entry for " & newSubject & " was succesfully added to your calendar." ,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION,"Successful"
date1.adjustMinute -30
cnote.ReplaceItemValue "$AlarmTime", date1
cnote.ReplaceItemValue "$AlarmOffset", -30
cnote.ReplaceItemValue "$Alarm", 1
cnote.ReplaceItemValue "Alarms", "1" True, True
cnote.putInFolder "($Alarms)"
Print "Calendar entry added."
Print "Sending confirmation note."
Dim maildoc As NotesDocument
Dim rtitem As NotesRichTextItem
Set maildoc = New NotesDocument(db)
maildoc.Form = "Memo"
Set rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem(maildoc,"Body")
'***********(1) **************** End Do Not Change Above***********************************************************************************
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change Subject for the confirmation note ***********
maildoc.Subject = "New Meeting Scheduled"
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change Send To for the confirmation note ***********
'********To send the confirmation note to one person, just update the name
' maildoc.SendTo = ""
'********To send the confirmation note to multiple people, do the following:
'*********Comment the code above by adding a single quote before the line of code so the line of code becomes green text.
'*********For example:
'*********'maildoc.SendTo = "[email protected]"
'*********Then uncomment the following lines of code below by removing the single quote preceding the lines of code so that the line of code become black text:
'*********Note: the X in the SendToList (1 to X) must match the number of recipients
'*********For example:
'*********Dim SendToList(1 To 2) As String
'*********SendToList(1) = ""
'*********'SendToList(2) = ""
'*********Call maildoc.ReplaceItemValue("SendTo",SendToList)
' sendtolist should be in fully qualified notes name id format
' Dim SendToList(1 To 3) As String
' SendToList(1) = ""
' SendToList(2) = ""
' SendToList(3) = ""
' Call maildoc.ReplaceItemValue("SendTo",SendToList)
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change CC for the confirmation note ***********
maildoc.CopyTo = ""
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change BCC for the confirmation note ***********
maildoc.BlindCopyTo = ""
'*********CHANGE HERE - Change Body for the confirmation note ***********
Call rtitem.AppendText("New Meeting Scheduled")
'*********CHANGE HERE - To disable sending the confirmation note add a quote before the following line so that the text becomes green
Call maildoc.Send(False)
'************************ End of Mail Reply Notification Change Section ***********************
Print "Operation complete."
End Sub