Here is the log how do i fix the problem. We have 2 NW6, 2 NW4.11 here in UK 1 NW 5 server in belgium 2 NW 6 servers in US
This is the log
NetWare 6.00 Directory Services Repair 10110.06, DS 10110.20 Log file for server ".BHGROUP.BULKHAUL" in tree "BHNET" Start: Friday, 28 May 2004 3:20:51 pm Local Time Retrieve replica status
Partition: .MBRO.BULKHAUL Replica: .ETHER.MBRO.BULKHAUL 19-07-2002 13:40:11 Replica: .BHGROUP.BULKHAUL ********** ******** Server: CN=PILOT.O=BULKHAUL 22-07-2002 17:29:33 -761 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .CENTRAL.INC.BULKHAUL 23-02-2004 13:30:36 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:20:03 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=OMNI.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:20:03 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .TRISTAN.BV.BULKHAUL 20-04-2004 12:52:53 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:17:11 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=OMNI.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:17:11 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:20:14 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .COMMS.MBRO.BULKHAUL 22-07-2002 17:50:35 Server: CN=CENTRAL.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:19 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=TRISTAN.OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:19 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .OMNI.MBRO.BULKHAUL 22-07-2002 17:50:27 Server: CN=CENTRAL.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:19:40 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=TRISTAN.OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:19:40 -625 Remote Object: OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL
Partition: .GMBH.BULKHAUL Replica: .ETHER.MBRO.BULKHAUL 27-05-2004 07:43:17 Replica: .BHGROUP.BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 14:29:49 Replica: .CENTRAL.INC.BULKHAUL 31-03-2004 13:48:59 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:39 -625 Remote Object: OU=GMBH.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .TRISTAN.BV.BULKHAUL 12-05-2004 20:40:14 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:19 -625 Remote Object: OU=GMBH.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .COMMS.MBRO.BULKHAUL 22-07-2002 17:52:04 Server: CN=CENTRAL.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:06:02 -625 Remote Object: OU=GMBH.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=TRISTAN.OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:06:02 -625 Remote Object: OU=GMBH.O=BULKHAUL All servers synchronized up to time: 22-07-2002 17:52:04 Warning
Partition: .BV.BULKHAUL Replica: .ETHER.MBRO.BULKHAUL 25-05-2004 11:33:02 Replica: .BHGROUP.BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 14:31:38 Replica: .CENTRAL.INC.BULKHAUL 25-06-2001 21:57:27 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:32 -625 Remote Object: OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .TRISTAN.BV.BULKHAUL 22-07-2002 17:50:40 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:17 -625 Remote Object: OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .COMMS.MBRO.BULKHAUL 22-07-2002 17:52:02 Server: CN=CENTRAL.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:09:43 -625 Remote Object: OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=TRISTAN.OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:09:43 -625 Remote Object: OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL All servers synchronized up to time: 25-06-2001 21:57:27 Warning
Partition: .INC.BULKHAUL Replica: .ETHER.MBRO.BULKHAUL 25-05-2004 12:06:30 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:19:36 -672 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .BHGROUP.BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 14:03:42 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:16:31 -672 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .USCOMMS.INC.BULKHAUL 26-06-2001 15:25:35 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:38 -625 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .CENTRAL.INC.BULKHAUL 25-06-2001 22:05:34 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:47 -625 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .TRISTAN.BV.BULKHAUL 8-08-2001 10:19:36 Server: CN=USCOMMS.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:24 -625 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:24 -625 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Replica: .COMMS.MBRO.BULKHAUL 19-07-2002 15:10:01 Server: CN=USCOMMS.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:11:14 -625 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=CENTRAL.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:11:14 -625 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=TRISTAN.OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:11:14 -625 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL Server: CN=OMNI.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:11:14 -672 Remote Object: OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL All servers synchronized up to time: 25-06-2001 22:05:34 Warning
Partition: .[Root]. Replica: .ETHER.MBRO.BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:10:03 Replica: .BHGROUP.BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:09:56 Replica: .CENTRAL.INC.BULKHAUL 22-04-2004 14:58:18 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:20:09 -625 Remote Object: [Root] Replica: .TRISTAN.BV.BULKHAUL 5-02-2004 14:49:12 Server: CN=COMMS.OU=MBRO.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:17:16 -625 Remote Object: [Root] Replica: .COMMS.MBRO.BULKHAUL 22-07-2002 17:52:01 Server: CN=CENTRAL.OU=INC.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:03 -625 Remote Object: [Root] Server: CN=TRISTAN.OU=BV.O=BULKHAUL 28-05-2004 15:18:03 -625 Remote Object: [Root] All servers synchronized up to time: 22-07-2002 17:52:01 Warning
*** END ***
OK, it is a Very Bad Thing (tm) to remove a server without also deleting it from the NDS Tree. A Very Bad Thing. As punishment you should be required to patch W2k, one patch at a time, by hand. :-)
You're going to need to do some NDS surgery to clean up this mess. What's been happening is that for 9 months, updates and changes have been accumulating, waiting to be sent to that server what's no longer in the Tree. So you've got 9 months worth of garbage piled up in your NDS Tree. If you were running AD, it would have choked and died 8 months and 25 days ago. NDS is resilient, so its given you a lot of slack, but unfortunately you've made a noose with all the extra rope you were given.
Check out Novell Support (http://support.novell.com), specifically TIDs #10010922 (http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/10010922.htm) and #10013083 (http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/10013083.htm) and #10054647 (http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/10054647.htm).
No doubt about it, you've got a mess on your hands. You need to get that server out of the NDS Tree, and you need to fix any TimeSync issues and probably declare a new epoch. NDS is *very* time-sensitive, which is why it puts so much effort into keeping track of time. (AD just pretends that time doesn't exist)
I suggest you strongly consider opening an incident with Novell Technical Support. Call your Novell sales rep, explain the situation, ask for some assistance. They'll probably charge you ~US$485 for the TS call (see http://support.novell.com/additional/amer-phone.html), but with the mess you have, its money well spent. The local sales rep may be able to work a deal for you and reduce the price - call them and ask.