Question : How can I fix slow bandwidth problem with my wireless connection of my laptop?

This is a continuation from my other question, ID: 24849720.  I have poor bandwith using my laptop with wireless router comparing to my PC that is connected directly to the switch.  The problem seems to be with my wireless router.  Is the wireless router needs to be replaced?  How can I fix this problem?

Answer : How can I fix slow bandwidth problem with my wireless connection of my laptop?

Many things come into play here.  What speed is the router?  From what you're describing, it seems like its a B??  also, what kind of wireless adapter is it?  Wireless will always be slower than wired, but its not supposed to be that noticable.  Some things to test:  have you tested your laptop at other locations with wireless (is it slow there too?); have you connected other wireless devices to your router (same test, are those devices slower than before connecting to yours?)  Basically you need to narrow down the problem and use multiple devices to test with to rule things out or in.
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