Question : LDAP Bind Time exceeds 30ms on Active Directory

I have a VM with the following specs:
Intel Xeon X5355 @ 2.66GHZ
It's currently a Domain Controller (Active Directory, DNS, DHCP), Silverstreak proxy (for monitoring), and gets backed up via Veritas NetBackup on a nightly basis via a seperate NIC on a backup LAN.
The times of the alerts are not consistent. Not same time of day, day of the week, etc.
I'm getting the LDAP Bind time exceeds 30ms alert one to three times a month. The values range from 31ms to 328 ms. The alerts clear between an hour to five hours later.
We were previously having issues with this server and increased the RAM from 512MB to 2GB and it helped with the issue but it hasn't gone away completely.

Is this a matter of again adding more memory or is there something else that should be looked at? I need to be able to justify a second memory addition.
Let me know if more information is needed.


Answer : LDAP Bind Time exceeds 30ms on Active Directory

its basicly a way to tell you that your server is responding "slow".

It all depends on how hard it has it. I would recommend adding a second AD server if you have performance problems, if you dont, just change the threshold to something higher before you get an alert.

read more here:

if its not a problem and your services depending on the server is fast enough don't bother. just keep in mind that you might need a faster server, or an additional server at some point before you put more work on its shoulders.
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