Question : DHCP Server Unavailable: Renewing Adapter "" on Win98 using a Wireless Router

I have recently gone into the world of Networking and hitting a problem.

I have two computers connected to a wireless router (connected to the internet).

The first PC uses an ethernet connector to the router and this works fine, and changed the IP addressess to onwards.

The problem I have is with the other PC using a wireless USB connector. Origiannally each time the PC was rebooted I had to, on each occasion, run winipcfg to re-assign the IP address ( with the routers gateway ( I then had flick throught the network settings and found how to assign the IP address all the time. The reult however never worked and I reset it all to automatically assign, and now when running winipcfg I get the above message.

I can see that the USB connecter is OK and shows that it has found the router, however this is not communicating at all with the router, as when checking on the PC that works with the router, the router only shows one PC connect and not two.

Answer : DHCP Server Unavailable: Renewing Adapter "" on Win98 using a Wireless Router

i believe that your original problem stems from the extrememly limited support of USB/PnP in 98.  By the time that Win98 loads the usb drivers, it has already determined that it is not connected to a network.  It checks for network connections very early on.  As far as your problem now, let's see...

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