Question : Funambol Server + Kerio Mailserver

Does anybody have experience with Funambol server?

I have a Kerio Mailserver that everybody in the office is using with their Outlook. One of the employees has a blackberry that they want to sync with the server.

I was thinking to install funambol server, have outlook sync with funambol, then have the blackberry sync with funambol. Kindof a run-around approach but I've heard on some of Kerio's forums that this approach has worked.

Thing is, I have no idea how to setup Funambol server, or even what it is really capable of. Does anyone here know about Funambol server and tell me more about how it works and how to set it up?

Answer : Funambol Server + Kerio Mailserver

The solution was to install funambol server for windows (follow the wizard, all default settings are okay). Setup one user, one device, and then one "principle" linking the user to the device using the appropriate screens in the Funambol Server Administration Console which is installed on the server.

In the "Server URI" setting, set it to . This is necessary for clients to connect to the server.

Install the Outlook Funambol Sync Client Program and configure it to connect to the server using the server URI that was specifeid earlier. Also use the username/password configured earlier. Then go into advanced setitngs and pick the account to sync for calendar/tasks/notes/etc.

Syncing to Kerio server involves syncing Outlook<-->Funambol (using the Kerio account in outlook), and then syncing Blackberry<-->Funambol using the blackberry client software. Two syncs are necessary to fully move data from Kerio to Blackberry.
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