Question : How can I detect WebLogic Admin server by it's command line?


I need to parse the processes of Weblogic, and find using the command line which one is the Admin server.

How can I do it?
Is there any specific parameter I can rely on?


Answer : How can I detect WebLogic Admin server by it's command line?

Easiest way:

1. You would have tuned your JVM heap for the rest of the nodes. Sat 1 GB or 1.5GB etc
2. Generally people do not tune the JVM heap for admin server since it doesn't have any heavy duty operation. So it would be defaulted to the standard memory of 512 or so.

Now, you can search for the java process with 512 MB (provided these are the only java processes you have).

Second way:
1. Check for the admin port and find out your process.
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