Question : Mapped drive not reconnecting at login

We have a user that needs to have a mapped drive to run a certain program.  Whenever they logoff and log back in the mapped drive is lost.  I have checked the reconnect checkbox and changed autodisconnect on the server and nic settings.  We are using roaming profiles.  When i look under documents and settings that user has two profiles one with just there name and one with name.ourdomain.  Why would there be tow differnet profiles.  I am guessing there is an issue with the profile as other admins on that pc I do not think have any issues with it.


Answer : Mapped drive not reconnecting at login

>>"What is actually happening is at login the cmd prompt opens......"
This will only happen if there is a script somewhere.
Can you highlight the cmd window and then hit the pause/break keyboard button to see what is going on?

Is your server Small Business Server by any chance?
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