Question : NetWare Lite 1.1 + Windows 95

How can I make connection and local resources sharing between two computers on LAN:

1.) MS-DOS (ver. 6.22) + NetWare Lite (ver. 1.1)
2.) Windows 95

I installed IPX/SPX protocol and Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks on Windows 95 and started NWLite on other computer but they cannot connect to each other !?

Answer : NetWare Lite 1.1 + Windows 95

OK, so I said windows95 doesn't support NWLite.
But... You could try loading the 16 bit realmode drivers in autoexec and try to connect. I Know for sure Novell does NOT support NWLite. They give an installation proposal for Personal Netware on their pages, though.
Maybe you should follow this setup and try. Go to:
type 95 in the search engine and choose the option found:
"Integrating Personal Netware and Windows 95"

Good luck.

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