Question : how to migrate web application running in weblogic 7 into 10

here its what i did in steps:
1st :  I  installed weblogic suite 10.3 ,amd created a dynamic web project.
2nd: i copied java files into src,jsp into webcontent/jsp and  jars into webcontent/web-inf/lib.
3rd: i created a new domain named claim_domain.
4th: I configured the server.and was running gud though i didnt add the project into it
5th: I placed the in the config folder where config.xml is present.
6th: I made the changes in Config.xml file as i added
        Name="WholesaleMain" Targets="Adminserver"/>
when i did the 6th step ,i tried to start the servaer it is giving the error as:

  ns\claim_domain\config\config.xml - Expected elements 'administration-protocol@ wldf-system-resource@ jdbc-system-resource@ saf-agent@ wlec-connection-pool@ error-handling@ remote-saf-context@ migratable-rmi-service@ webservice-security@ jms-connection-consumer@ auto-deploy-for-submodules-enabled@ admin-console@ internal-apps-deploy-on-demand-enabled@ guardian-enabled@' instead of 'StartupClass@' here in element domain@>
ns\claim_domain\config\config.xml see log for details. Schema validation can be disabled by starting the server with the command line option: -Dweblogic.configuration.schemaValidationEnabled=false> .
I m not sure what to do next ..
please suggest me the solution

Answer : how to migrate web application running in weblogic 7 into 10

Menu for adding startup class after login to admin console.

Environment --> Startup & Shutdown Classes
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