Question : Frequent disconnect/reconnect of Ethernet

One of our PC during high network load constantly disconnects/reconnects from/to Ethernet. The problem can be identified by looking at taskbar icon or viewing event og:

Event Type:      Information
Event Source:      Tcpip
Event Category:      None
Event ID:      4201
Date:            12/28/2003
Time:            1:15:19 PM
User:            N/A
Computer:      serverPC
The system detected that network adapter Intel 21143 Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter #2 was connected to the network, and has initiated normal operation over the network adapter.

These messages reappear every few minutes, and only if there is some heavy traffic.
There are no 4202 errors (disconnect), only 4201 (connect).

The system is W2K.

Answer : Frequent disconnect/reconnect of Ethernet

I would look at the network card with the diagnostics utilities provided by Intel. If everything checks out try setting the speed of your adapter manually 100 Full Duplex would do nicely.
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