Question : Problems DNS after scavening dns


I am running to some dns problems every 21 days.

When i run a dcdiag /test:dns i get the following results (i will put the full log later on)

 Summary of DNS test results:
                                            Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext  
            Domain: domain.local
               serverdc2                 PASS FAIL PASS PASS WARN FAIL n/a  
         ......................... domain.local failed test DNS

After a dcdiag /fix everything works fine again.

DNS Scavening is set to every 7 days but after 21 days we receive this error.
There are 2 domain controllers, serverdc1 is the primairy server and serverdc2 is the secondairy.

Does anybody had any idea why this is happening every 21 days.

some other errors in the log :

Domain Controller Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   * Verifying that the local machine serverdc2, is a DC.
   * Connecting to directory service on server serverdc2.
   * Collecting site info.
   * Identifying all servers.
   * Identifying all NC cross-refs.
   * Found 2 DC(s). Testing 1 of them.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests
   Testing server: domain\SERVERDC2
      Starting test: Connectivity
         * Active Directory LDAP Services Check
         The host e3a31358-75b4-41b4-886d-8660f088e000._msdcs.domain.local could not be resolved to an
         IP address.  Check the DNS server, DHCP, server name, etc
         Although the Guid DNS name

         (e3a31358-75b4-41b4-886d-8660f088e000._msdcs.domain.local) couldn't be

         resolved, the server name (serverdc2.domain.local) resolved to the IP

         address (**.**.**.**) and was pingable.  Check that the IP address is

         registered correctly with the DNS server.
         ......................... SERVERDC2 failed test Connectivity

Thanks for the help!

Answer : Problems DNS after scavening dns

Do any of the Scavenging events have values for "Scavenged Nodes" or "Scavenged Records"?

You might consider creating a new Forward Lookup Zone for _msdcs.fmecwm.local. Then apply very long Aging Intervals to the new zone.

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