Question : Problem configuring linksys router for SBC DSL w/ Static IP

I am trying to configure a company's router for their new DSL line with static IP address. I brought the router home and hooked it up to my DSL line and using my dynamic IP address configuation, it works fine. As soon try and set it up for a static IP address, it doesn't connect. The router is Linksys BEFVP41 firmware 1.40.3, and SBC gave me the following to use in router setup: subnet mask - (router won't accept this - gives me an "invalid submask" error), Default gateway - same as the static IP address. I tried as subnet and but neither worked. Are any of these settings incorrect? Will it only work on the actual DSL line that was set up by SBC for the static IP address? 5 hours of technical support from SBC and Linksys have gotten me nothing - any help is greatly appreciated.
- Lennygw

Answer : Problem configuring linksys router for SBC DSL w/ Static IP

It has to be used on the Line from SBC.
Also ask them about the 255 x4 subnet, as that is not standard.

Also make sure that they support this router.

You might also check the linksys web site for a FAQ on configuring for a fixed IP.

I hope this helps !
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