Question : DHCP redundancy Question

What is the praticality of splitting the DHCP server role between 2 servers (redundancy)?  I wouldn't want to have one server die and not be able to get an address but it seems to me that it would only take a few moments to setup and authorize another DHCP server for a few hundred users.  Nothing we do is so critical that we can't be down for half an hour.

Is redundancy, in this case, overkill??

Answer : DHCP redundancy Question


You may consider these things

1. Keep 8 hours of lease time so even if in between the server is down there will not be any impact till lease expires

2. Configure and keep second DHCP server ready (do not authorise), you can use any other server or desktop is DHCP is not resource hungry.

In case of primary server failure you can always reconfigure it on the same server within 15-20 mins. If its a major failure and server can not be restored back then authorise the Secondary pre-configured server.

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