Question : setup dhcp split scope 80/20 for W2K and W2K8 DC's

Our current DC is W2K SP4. I will be adding a secondary DC with Windows server 2008 SP2  for redundancy. I will need to setup a split dhcp scope 80/20. My question is can I do the entire dhcp setup from the Windows server 2008 since it seems easier vs setting it up directly from the W2K box. The W2K DC will be the primary dchp. If the setup needs to happen from the W2K box then can someone provide me with a guide. I can only find a straightforward guide when doing from W2K8.

Answer : setup dhcp split scope 80/20 for W2K and W2K8 DC's

I a question for you.  Why are you setting up a split DHCP scope?  How many subnets? Or is it just one?  Reason why I ask is that having a split DHCP "can" cause more administrative work when troubleshooting.  Remember your default lease is 8 days, so on a failure you have 4 days to get DHCP back up again.  Renew after 4 days (1/2 way) if that fails then it will renew 2/3 off the time and release on 8 days.  The only issue here is that if computers are shut down at night they release their address.  In the morning no address.  If all the computers are on one subnet with the DHCP server it might be easier to have the database backed up and copied to the other server where you can restore it quickly, heck even with multiply scopes.  You can script this to occur on a regular basis.  Remeber if your one server in your 80/20 goes down (more the 80) you have the same issue if there are a lot of clients on the system.

But for what you are doing i would write a script for netsh dhcp.  Then you have self documented the setup.
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