Question : Starters Help!

I am totally TOTALLY new to WAP. I am a VB programmer, but new to the WAP programming. Where can I start, or assist me with "Hello Wap" program - that I can try and test.
Thank you.


Answer : Starters Help!

Yes.. I'll post for you notes on how to make the first steps.. If you coded HTML then it's easy 4 you..

I posted before:

You will use the nokia toolkit emulator to browse your wap site, the toolkit to check for deck info... debug the wml.. all waht is related to wml, if you're using asp with the wml applications then you need to use also your favorite asp developer, vis interdev or drumbeat or just frontpage (if you're coding manually) , you tell the server to send a response that supports the wap format,
in asp we add:
Response.ContentType = "text/vnd.wap.wml"
now the application is hosted on a regular web server (like IIS) but you have to add additional mime type in the default site or in the particular wml site being hosted (check wml developers guid for the full set of mime types to be added) , now where 's the gateways role? the gateway plays as a translator for the wap devices, it fetches the information from the web server and translates it to the device in a readable for it format... the gateway can be located anywhere between the ISP and the web server..
the wml is derived from xml which is the HTML extensebile (extention!) so you can code it in a text document or in the nokia toolkit, I recommend to code it in your server scripting development tool environnement (for me it's visual interdev) and debug it using the nokia toolkit...
PS: the emulator don't need a gateway to show results..


As far as I know the only issue to take care is deck size.. depending on what will be the targeted device if you know it , but usually it shouldn't exceed 1397bytes since Nokia 7110 (the first wap devices available everywher) accept decks smaller than 1397bytes while ericsson 320 can take 3000 bytes.. now enough with this,  know also that databases are not affected from wap technology, you can store your info in SQL or access the technique is the same but the input/output device is new, for wap we use the same ASP (you can use other server side scripts also) coding as for HTML (with minor cahnges) as we said only the output is limited by the device, like you can't also display 32bit colored vga graphics, instead you have a grayscaled (i'll say even 2 colored) wbmp graphics that are limited in file size and image pixel range.. all this is directly reletad with the device technology and the output will evolve paralelly to that.
about security we have one issue to take in consideration which is encription between the wap gateway and the web server (the broken link) , which is not supported yet in moste gateways and web servers so we can outrun this by putting the gateway and the webserver together...


I'll add to this links you can serch for more info:
and others..

If you'll use JSP:

1- you need to use and SDK, I recommend to get Nokia Wap toolkit 2.0 from (it's free) and also get all the documentation from there (the NWT has them as zip files) or about wml, wmlscript and other useful documents
2- You need to add the wml mime types on the server to support wml :
3- Note pad :+) no actually if you're writing servlets then the output should be WML, you can do it in your java SDK.
4- Yes it's possible to work with JSP check:
5- No need to install a gateway.. the surfer can use a 3rd party or his phone co gateway (nokia has also a free wap gateway/web server in one package, it's called nokia wap server 1.1, you can download it's trial for free @
6- hmm.. your best WEB server.. any web server can supply wap content if the correct mime types are set on it, (the gateway translates them to the phone device to binary format, the emulators don't need a gateway to show wml)

wml script tutorial:
A good place to find all kind of tutorials about wml and wap:

other Wap SDKs sites:  <-- Cool

Wap and JSP:

Wap faqs:  (need to register first for free)

well that's most of the "cream" of info you'll need to start..

rgrds and happy WAPing :+)
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