Question : difference between self-generated SSL and CA SSL

Just quickly, I want to know the difference between installing a CA approved SSL and just having my server generate its own SSL. Won't they both still use a public/private key for encryption?

Can someone explain this to me as the sites ive searched for really didnt explain the difference.


Answer : difference between self-generated SSL and CA SSL

Technically there is no difference.
The only difference is that your self generated certificate can not be proved to be trustable and a client can not say if the issuer is truly the identity the cerificate assumes to be from.
The web site of a financial institute must have a CA approved certificate, because the client doing home banking must know, that he is truly on the web site of his bank and not on a site of somebody pretending to be the bank.
If you only want encryption for the traffic it is ok to use a self generared certificate.



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