Question : Mapping IPC$ share of remote host as local administrator of remote host

How do I map the IPC$ share of a remote host using the local administrator account of the remote host?

The computers are not connected to a common domain or workgroup.

The "net use" doesn't like the 'user' parameter as shown by below console output.

=========== CONSOLE OUTPUT =========================================
C:\>net use
New connections will be remembered.

There are no entries in the list.

C:\>net use \\SERVER\IPC$ /USER:Administrator
System error 1219 has occurred.

Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more
 than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the
 server or shared resource and try again.

C:\>net use \\SERVER\IPC$
The command completed successfully.

Answer : Mapping IPC$ share of remote host as local administrator of remote host

No solution, failure due to a likely unusual corruption.
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