Question : profile problem
some my users are facing a problem,when they logon the workstation,message comes "operating system enable to load your local profile,contact ur network administrator" and starts countdown, after that "press ALT+CTRL+DEL" message box again appears.administrator easily logon. what's the problem?
Answer : profile problem
Here is some info from Microsoft:
SYMPTOMS When you log on to a Windows NT 4.0 computer, you may receive the following error in the User Environment dialog box:
The operating system was unable to load the locally stored profile. A new local profile will be created (1009).
The following message may be displayed as well:
Your profile was not successfully loaded, but you have been logged on with the default system profile. Please correct the problem and log off (18).
Your profile settings (desktop icons, application settings, and so on) are reset to the default. If you look in the %SystemRoot%\Profiles folder, you should see your profile directory has been renamed to %SystemRoot%\Profiles\Username.bak, and a new default profile has been stored in %SystemRoot%\Profiles\Username. This is done to allow a user to log on successfully if the profile has been corrupted or does not load for some other reason.
If the registry size limit has been exceeded, a system pop-up message indicating this will be presented to the user during the first logon attempt when this occurs. The following message will be displayed:
System Process - Low on Registry Quota: Your system is running low on registry quota. Start the System option in the Control Panel and choose the Virtual Memory button to increase the registry quota.
During subsequent logon attempts, profile load errors will occur and the following application events will be logged:
Event ID 1000 userenv RegLoadKey failed with error 1009 for C:\WINNT\Profiles\username\ntuser.dat
Event ID 1000 userenv The operating system was unable to load the locally stored profile. A new local profile will be created. (1009)
NOTE: If a user commonly locks the workstation instead of logging off, the original Registry Size Limit error may have been forgotten or lost from the event log by the time a subsequent logon attempt occurs and the profile fails to load.
CAUSE Although the user profile registry keys may fail to load for a number of reasons, one status code is always returned indicating that the profile is corrupted. The Registry Size Limit (RSL) may have been exceeded. The RSL is a user-defined quota that places a maximum upper limit on how large the registry can grow. When this limit is approached, a message stating this in the Application Popup dialog box will be presented to the user. Because the loading of a user profile (stored in Ntuser.dat) consumes Registry Quota, this may contribute to the exhaustion of this resource.
RESOLUTION A User Profile does not load if the RSL has been exceeded. This is by design. To work around this problem, the RSL can be increased to avoid the restriction. To do this, follow these steps:
In Control Panel, double-click System.
On the Performance tab, click Change in the Virtual Memory section.
In the Virtual Memory dialog box, in the Registry Size section, the current registry size and the maximum registry size are displayed. Modify the current RSL in this section.
Microsoft recommends increasing the RSL only enough to accommodate the current Registry and a small amount of growth. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q176083 System Is Running Low on Registry Quota