The hostname being displayed in the message ID does not matter, it's still the same domain. The message ID does not have to follow any standard except to be unique worldwide, so most emailers use a combination of timestamp and the domain. See RFC2392 for more info: quotes around the first part of the From aren't strictly necessary in this case, but they will be if you change your from name and include special characters.
I still don't see a Reply-To field in your headers.
[email protected] a valid email address and setup properly to receive email?
I found a bug report for phplist which seems to indicate that the x-* headers are increasing the spam rating. You might want to play around with removing several of them and it might help.
And last but not least, depending on how many email addresses are on your list, it's possible that hotmail blocked you due to sending too many emails in a short time, or hotmail considers the email spam due to the content of the mail and not due to the header info.