Question : Client 8.5 Install on a Mac - File Object is Truncated

Receiving an error trying to run initial setup for users running Client 8.5 for Mac.  Initial configuration screen asks for the username and the server to connect to.  For some users, after I enter their username and server, when I click "next", I immediately receive a pop-up error that states "File object is truncated - file may have been damaged".  Some users work fine, some don't.  I can not find any commonality between the users that fail.  What exactly is it saying is "truncated"?  The only thing I can think it's querying is the server names.nsf file?  Any suggestions where I should go from here?  

Answer : Client 8.5 Install on a Mac - File Object is Truncated

Well, I removed the user and recreated the user and all went well.  Not the preferred method of resolution, but it worked!
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