Question : EJB QL Problem
I have upgraded to Weblogic 8 (from Weblog 7.0). Weblogic 8 has EJB 2.0 (or is it 2.1) , and i think the spec has changed for the EJB-QL. I am using EJB-GEN to create the entity beans, but the EJB-QL no longer works now. I have looked at it and i cant figure out why it no longer works.. please help.
This is the EJB-QL that has stopped working
@ejbgen:finder * signature = "Collection findOrderLineByOrder(java.lang.Long orderId)"
ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(orderLine) from Order order, IN (order.orderLines) orderLine WHERE order.id = ?1"
How can i rewrite it so it work under EJB 2.0 ?
Thanks for the help
Answer : EJB QL Problem
Change ejb-jar.xml entry to as follows and check if this makes any difference,
Best could be to enable -keepgenerated while you do your weblogic.ejbc or weblogic.appc and check the generated sources from weblogic. Try running those SQLs using a stand alone client and you could modify the QL accordingly.
-Srivatsa Manjunath