Question : OpenSLP DA on Windows Server

Can I use OpenSLP on a Windows 2003 server to act as the Directory Agent for an eDirectory network? Are there any "gotcha's" that I should be aware of?

The majority of servers are NetWare 5.1, with a few running v6.5.  There are two Win2003 servers running eDir, which function as the primary replica servers.


Answer : OpenSLP DA on Windows Server

I saw your "oops" post on the openslp ports in that other Question.  I saw that too, but there's no link to any binaries of any of those ports.  I guess they're saying if you want OpenSLP on any of the platforms listed, that other folx have been able to successfully compile OpenSLP on those listed platforms.

That tells me that if you want OpenSLP on Win32, you have to compile it yourself from the source.  Most 'softies don't like to have to compile stuff to use it - they expect to get an MSI or other nifty tied-with-a-bow installer package.  I don't see one - not an "official" one anyway.
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