Question : Unable to automatically place shortcut on all users desktop with AD

I would like to shortcut a URL on all users desktops from active directory. I would also like to give it a special icon to use.  I would like for the procedure to check for this shortcut each time the user logs ons and replace it if the user has deleted it.  I would like to do this without having to manually place it on each desktop by hand.

Answer : Unable to automatically place shortcut on all users desktop with AD

I think that the easiest way to do that is to use login script to copy the shortcut to desktop. So, you make the shortcut and copy it in the network share (for example same directory where the login script is (then you don't have to use path). Then modify login script:

XCOPY \\MYSERVER\MYSHARE\my_shortcut.lnk %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\desktop\ /y

/y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
existing destination file.

(%ALLUSERSPROFILE% works in WinXP, not sure abt other versions.)

Using special icon means that you have to be sure that every machine has the file which contains the icon you're going to use. Otherwise the icon will be blank or basic Windows icon. If you'll use standard icon that's in OS's directory (i.e. shell32.dll), then it's not a problem.

Hope this helps,

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