Question : DNS/DYDNS Question

I have a custom DYDNS domain name that is forwarding back to my router. This in turn forwards HTTP and DNS ports to my internal server IP. I want to toy around with hosting a portal site. I can add records on the custom DYDNS list ie How would I register my NS server with a registrar to allow me to point a go daddy account to

Answer : DNS/DYDNS Question

you would need records of the type IN NS

in the .COM name servers. I doubt that you can do that. the rules for those name servers are that you need two and they need to be fixed.  (BTW, zone-edit might be of help try to read there), then you can update the records yourself...
BTW the biggest problem will be the tmeout on records you need all A records to have a short Cache Time To Live and DNS server managers don't like a lot of request is it is not realy needed...
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