Question : Unable to start SBS 2003 Routing and Remote Access : IPMGM and RTM error

Unable to start Routing and Remote Access Service under Windows 2003 SBS

Source: IPMGM
Event ID: 50022
Failed to register with RTM. The error code is in the data

Source: RemoteAccess
Event ID: 20103
Unable to load c:\WINDOWS\System32\iprtrmgr.dll.

Source: Service Control Manager
Event ID: 7024
The Routing and Remote Access Service terminated with service-specific error 1450 (0x5AA)

I've recently put in a DMZ between the server and the internet and had a two NIC RRAS solution. I changed the external NIC to a fixed IP address, and tried to run CEICW but this failed on the firewall configuration.

The DMZ is in place to allow staff on a joint venture to access the internet with affecting our server, so used Two NIC's for this purpose.

Could this be a DNS issue as I've had problems with the DNS where client queries were showing the incorrect IP address.

I've got two network cards,

Internal NIC with x.x.0.1
Wins: y.y.0.1
DNS: y.y.0.1
no gateway on internal
Net Bios configured

External NIC to router with z.z.0.10
DNS: y.y.0.1
Gateway setup to: z.z.0.1 (which is the router 'Dlink DI-524')
No Netbios

This problem is preventing users accessing the internet, and is getting urgent.

Answer : Unable to start SBS 2003 Routing and Remote Access : IPMGM and RTM error

Assume you have it from the SP CD?
Quite straightforward but follow the instructions - don't guess......
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