Question : Date Format in Regional Settings

We have a problem where dates are sometimes appearing in an American format, instead of Australian.  In my organsation the standard regional setting for date format is "d/mm/yyyy".  I seem to recall that for Notes to display dates correctly, the short date setting should be "dd/mm/yyyy", however I can't find this documented anywhere.  Can anyone advise if this is correct?

Answer : Date Format in Regional Settings

Couldnt find documentation regarding the difference between dd/mm/yyyy and d/mm/yyyy, however I have found documentation regarding issues where the date format displayed is not in accordance with the regional settings, which is similar to what we're experiencing.  One way found of fixing this is to edit the notes.ini to only have top lines, eg:

FaultRecovery_Build=t value>

being the actual value in the notes.ini, ie Timezone=-10.
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