Question : Help!! Dynamic DNS service like DNS2GO and ZoneEdit
I have a web and ftp server using dynamic IP at home. I use the Dynamic DNS service provided by DNS2GO so that my site IP address is always updated.
DNS2GO will forward all the traffic of the domain, say mysite.com to my server, including all the subdomains.
ie: anything.mysite.com => (my dynamic IP)
However, I only want the main site forward traffic to my server, while the rest will be mapped to another static IP address.
ie: mysite.com => (my dynamic IP) www.mysite.com => (my dynamic IP) but:otherthing.mysite.com => (static IP)
Please suggest me what to do! I can't edit the zone file to add subdomain using DNS2GO service. Please suggest other service of Dynamic DNS.
Welcome any inputs about your Dynamic/Static DNS Service experience!!
Answer : Help!! Dynamic DNS service like DNS2GO and ZoneEdit
I am using ZoneEdit.com and it supports both Dynamic IP and custom zone file record.
First, register an account in zoneedit.com. Then, you can add a "A record" which point *.yoursite.com to the static IP you want.
Download a software "Direct Update" from http://directupdate.com. Enter your domain name, username and password of your zoneedit.com in the Status section. (if you want a subdomain, just enter sub.yoursite.com) Your Dynamic IP will be updated automatically.
That's is! It is easy!