Question : tomcat server not working on port 8080 but working on port 9080

i am having an account with godaddy.i bought a virtual dedicated server plan .
the problem is that they have both apache 2 and tomcat 5.5 running .
The site is running in the port number 9080 but when i changed the port number to 80 in the server.xml file.Both the Tomcat Server and the project is not running ?When i change the port number 80 in server.xml file of tomcat  to port number 9080 it is working.the site loads from the typing the ip address:portnumber/projectname but the site does not loads when i type the site name like ? in my server bothe apache 2 httpd and Tomcat 5.5 tomcat process is running.
if i am uploading a normal html file in the publi_html directory the website is loading fully with it's own name i.e but not loading when i upload the War File ?
What Should i do ?

Answer : tomcat server not working on port 8080 but working on port 9080

Ask Godaddy whether port 80 is allowed on you dedicated server,
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