Question : Snoop Question
I'm working on a issue with Sun and have sent them a file that was made from a 'Snoop -o' of course this is a binary file, just wandering is there any downloads out there that I can come up with something that I can do anything with this binary file with. Just curious to what they can do with it and what I can get out of it.
Answer : Snoop Question
What do you want to do with binary files, you can use "strings" command:
strings filename
to find printable strings in an object or binary file.
man strings.
There are a few binary editor/tools can be used to modify the binary files, please make a backup of the binary file, before you change them.
A VI-like binary editor called bvi at : http://bvi.sourceforge.net/.
The xd program allows you to dumpa binary to text, edit it with a text editor, and covert it back to a binary: http://www.fourmilab.ch/xd/
A Free Disassemblers, Decompilers, Hex Editors & Hex Viewers: http://www.thefreecountry.com/programming/disassemblers.shtml
I would not attemp to edit the binary files, try to find the source code instead.