Question : FTP Port Forwarding and Cisco 800


I need a little guidance on this.  I have setup an FTP site internally on the Network but i obviously need to get it working for the outside world.  

I have a cisco 800 which i believe i need to do port forwarding on.  Before i do anything i will need to backup the router config incase i mess up so that leads to

Question 1. How to i do a backup of the config
2. If needed how do i reapply the config.
3. what coomands do i need to get port forwarding working

I also have a SOHO3 firewall which i need to open the ports aswell.

Anything else that i may need that i have missed woud be greatly apperciated.

thanks in advance

Answer : FTP Port Forwarding and Cisco 800

Okay, for port forwarding this is the syntax;

ip nat inside static tcp 21 21 extendable

int fa0/0 (Internal side interface)
ip nat inside

int s0/0 (Wan side interface)
ip nat outside

If you have applied access-lists, make sure you allow the traffic.

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