Question : SMS web server need help!
Hi, I am a com'science student and I would like to develop a web page,which provide sms service.
I am totally newbie on this topic and I would need advice or guide on how to develop sms in the web.
only 1 function is expected that is :send message to mobile phone.
Answer : SMS web server need help!
Before you start anything you must remember that SMS messages are NOT like E-Mail - they are not free. So you'll need something or someone to send them for you.
Now you can use a mobile phone with a data cable (but not all phones can be driven). Or a GSM modem (effectively the same but for professional use). Or an SMS Service Center - you make a contract with them to send messages for a price (ideally for bulk users like sites which offer ring-tones and logos).
There are web sites which offer free SMS messaging but they are financed by advertising and limit you to a small number which you may send every day, and effectively hacking into these is at the least immoral.
Now a mobile phone OR a GSM modem can be driven via modem like commands (AT commands) and a good place to start is with an Open Source libary (and a couple of tools) at http://www.pxh.de/fs/gsmlib/.
So with a Web server like Apache and a phone driven by this library and CGI you *could* make a start.
But, phone calling is not always fast, so your CGI could time out. Normally one must use a Message Server which accepts requests from the Web Server (via CGI for example or via a TomCat like interface) which it queues. Later it starts a batch job to make the call. In fact if you would like to make a project out of it, an Open Source JMS message library, TomCat, Apache and a Java SMS library would be evry interesting.
Anyway, I hope that's a start.