Question : SSL certificate error when accessing public folders in Exchange System Manager

Fairly basic setup: Single box running SBS 2003, MSExchange 2003 and OWA.
(A few months ago an SSL cert was installed for OWA, and I guess no one ever needed to change any public folder settings until now so this may be related.)

After receiving this error: "The SSL certificate server name is incorrect. ID no: c103b404" I followed the MS instructions, and went into IIS, into my mail site and into Exadmin and turned off "require secure channel."

This has not alleviated the problem, and I am at a loss for what to do next, as I know the FQDN on the certificate is correct because it has been working fine in OWA.

Answer : SSL certificate error when accessing public folders in Exchange System Manager

Does the FQDN on OWA match the internal FQDN of the server?  If not, that is the cause of your problem.  We see this all the time when setting up new SBS servers.  The internal server is called, but the OWA URL would be  My only fix that I have been able to make work is to remove the OWA cert and put back a cert that has the correct matching internal FQDN on it just to make the changes, then switch it back.  Once you get both certs on the box, it is pretty straight forward in IIS to swap between the two, as they show up in a list.

Not a great solution, but you know how it is sometimes when it comes to MS stuff.  The other way to fix that would be to install a multi domain SSL or a wildcard SSL cert.
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