Question : Advice on Terminal Server

Im currently looking at a network that has desktops setup for each user in the company. Each user then terminals into terminal server. The systems administrator said that this was so each user could be managed easily and if any hardware broke down, it would only require switching out the box and the desktop would still be safe on the server.

This is all fine and great, but I need some expert advice here on this type of setup.

1.      Is terminal server fairly bandwidth intensive?
2.      Is there any other sort of solution that provides the same flexibility and is more common?
3.      It surfing the web via terminal server advised?

Now I am thinking of moving these servers to a hosted managed solution through RackSpace&

1.      Do you guys think this is a good idea?
2.      Is there a way to setup TS printing on a managed solution like this?

Thanks guys,


Answer : Advice on Terminal Server

1.  Generally no - it will be with Server 2008 R2 if you enable the media streaming... in general, a terminal session (while not printing) takes up about 20-40K per user.  With video in R2, it can average 1.5 Mb/user.

2.  Depends on what, exactly you use in your environment.  A well managed environment using Active Directory and Group Policies as well as software deployment (group policy or otherwise) can have a similar result - though it can be more work on the administrator's part.

3.  The only problem is with Flash and video based content - that can be very sluggish for the end user.  As far as the server goes, it's no big deal.  This can be resolved with R2 and it's ability to stream video content of terminal sessions.

1.  Depends what people are doing.  In general, I'd probably setup the terminal server for REMOTE access AND for a specific application or two that needed to be under tight control.  A better solution might be to use Microsoft's SoftGrid technology which essentially virtualizes applications and not necessarily the entire session.

2.  If this is a LAN, then isntall the printers on a print server and/or the terminal server and users can print directly to them (this would seem to be the least of your concerns - is this a particular issue for you right now?  (I apologize for the way this sounds in advance) What's your problem with Terminal Services printing?
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