Question : Exchange server 2003 will not relay for authenticated users

Hello all - I originally posted this elsewhere, in regards to enabling IMAP on exchange server. The reason is because we got some iPhones in our organization and the only way to use it with exchange server is to use IMAP.

The thing is, IMAP works fine for downloading folder structure, etc. The problem seems to be with relaying. To SEND mail, you have to enter SMTP information. I am entering the username and password for authenticated users on our exchange server, but its not allowing mail to go through. I have SMTP configured to allow any authenticated user to relay regardless of the IP list, but accounts simply will not work.

It occurred to me that this problem existed at other times. We run a couple of web servers that are local to the exchange box, and they can send messages independently using IIS' virtual SMTP, but if I configure them to use the exchange box as a smart host, the messages fail to be delivered.

So it would appear that relaying is disabled regardless of how its configured in the system manager. I really have no idea why this might be, so Im looking for clues. Maybe someone else has had this problem? Its worth mentioning that this is actually Windows SBS 2003 and not a straight up install of exchange on server 2003. Still, SMTP relay ought to be able to be turned on.

We are also running a hardware firewall, which has had the appropriate services to allow SMTP mail to come in, and go out, on port 25.

Additionally, I've tried the username and password for SMTP in several different formats, including:

[email protected]
[email protected] (FQDN for this AD domain)

I've also tried adding the specific users to the 'allowed to relay' group, and that didnt work either.

Any help sure would be appreciated.

Answer : Exchange server 2003 will not relay for authenticated users

Can you check the permission on the default SMTP server and make sure that Anonymous, windows and basic are all checked
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