Question : how can i get the table values wich is in String and i want convert into date

I need the help in the following code
1,i am selecting all the value from the table where the date is in the String format
after selecting how can i convert my all date values into date format (more than3000records)
2.after converting i have to comapre with todays date so that i can get all the records  ,where the booking date is > todays date
3. pls kindly look into the attachment and kindly answer me step by step the requirement is urgent

Thank You

Answer : how can i get the table values wich is in String and i want convert into date

Hi  Tomas Helgi
  Thank You so  much ,for guding me to reach my result,
i have error when i  done like this
 ERROR :Multiple markers at this line
              -formatter cannot be resolved or is not a type
              -formatter cannot be resolved  or is not a type

String getMonthIntForDate(String month){
      formatter fmt = new formatter(); //ERROR IN THIS LINE
      int res = Integer.parseInt(month);
      if(res < 10){
      return fmt.format("'0'%d",res );
                     }else {
          return fmt.format("%d",res);

help me in solving this problem thnak you

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