Question : Share network printer without login

We are on a win 2000 domain. All of our network printers are shared from one server. We have a wireless AP so that guests and our normally out of the office staff can access the internet and or network resources from their laptops. Is there any way for me to share one of the printers without them needing to have a login to our domain? So that a guest once given the access code for the wireless network would be able to print without needing a full blow AD login.

Answer : Share network printer without login

Ok. So I think this should get you what you are looking for:

Copy and paste this into a .vbs file and then run it as a login script or how ever you want to call it. (Leave the -------- out of it). Obviously you will need to change the 3 str variables and the printer info below.
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

Dim WshNetwork
Dim strPath, strUser, strPW

strPath = "\\server\foldershare"
strUser = "domain\username"
strPW = "password"

Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

'map a drive to establish an authenticated connection
WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "", strPath, False, strUser, strPW

'Connect to the printer
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\server\printer"

' Close the initial connection to the server


I would recommend using a user that can only perform this action as you are storing credentials in the script. May want to play with removing him from domain users and giving him permissions to a special shared folder and to the printer. You can test it with a valid user first to make sure you have all the naming correct then create the limited user.
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