Question : Mac and Win95 with DSL
I need to know how to set up a Mac and A PC to use my ADSL connection. The Mac has been up and running on the connection since December 1999. The PC was added today . The PC is an old Win95 Pentium 75MHz. It's slow, but it let's me dial into the office to do work (no high speed connection at the office yet).
My question is how do I get the PC up and running on my home network? It was working fine on the office network today (all PC's). I have a hub. The DSL is plugged into one port (special port as per instructions that came with the hub). The PC and Mac are plugged into two of the other ports. Everything is fine on the MAC (how else am I writing this!?!). But I don't know how to configure Win95 networking fo use on this kind of network. I'm not really interested in file sharing or anything like that, or even printer sharing. Everything that is graphics intensive, or requires printing will be done via the Mac. The PC will only be used for surfing, and connecting to the office. Any suggestions, hints, tips, HELP?
Thanks in advance...
Answer : Mac and Win95 with DSL
First a couple questions. Did your ISP assign you a valid IP address for your Mac? Or does your mac use a private IP address (go to TCP/IP control panel and it will have either a 10.x.x.x address, 192.168.254.x address, or a valid internet address in the form of a.b.c.d where letters are numbers from 1-254.
Also, check how the IP address is assigned (manually or via a DHCP server). You will want to write down the Macs IP address, the router address (or gateway address as it's sometimes known) and any DNS servers (domain name servers).
On your PC go to the network control panel and install: Client: Microsoft - Client for Microsoft Networks Network Card: whatever nic you have Protocol: Microsoft - TCP/IP
Now for the configuration:
If your Mac uses a server assined IP address then you don't need to do anything aside from restart your PC.
If the Mac has a provate address (10 or 192.168 address) then you can change the last octet one number for the PC and use the same gateway/dns information. For example, if your Mac is then make the PC If the Mac is then choose You cannot use the address of the gateway or numbers over 254 (usually any number between 2-253 is safe)
If the Mac has a "real" IP address then you will need to contact your ISP for another address for the PC.
Good luck