Question : plz.......can ip address b traced.......need help real bad

okay guys this 1s my 1st time in here n i need help real bad! theres this person whom i trusted n made a deal the catch is that all i got is his email address at hotmail's! i ve sent him quite a few mails but theres been no response at all n now i m gettin scared..... is there ne way by which i can trace his ip address usin his email address 2 know where he is?.........he told me the country where he lives but i doubt that 2 now......plz ne1 who can help me........this 1s a real serious thing 4 me......thanx

Answer : plz.......can ip address b traced.......need help real bad

I'd be interested to know if you find a good solution to your dilema. Unfortunately, I must tell you It's unlikely. Hotmail is well known for it's anonymity, anyone from anywhere can create a hotmail acct with false info and access this acct from any location. Know just a little hope for you: As you know email does have various header info locked into it. Including the route that it took to get to you, start to finish. This may give you a nearly complete picture of at least the general location. Again, Hotmil can be accessed anywhere. He is just as likely to be at home or using the internet cafe down the street as he is to be using one in another state/country. There is no way to tell. I don't have the knowledge to tell how to get the header info from the email though, I'm sure that another contributer can....
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