Question : Problem in EJB QL Finder Method.....

I am developing an application based on EJB CMP2.0 Spec. I have a CMP BEAN with finder method as follows:-
query ="SELECT Object(b) FROM CartMaster as b where b.customerid = ?1 and b.status='active' and  b.cartdate = current_time()"

I am using JBOSS4.0.3. But when I amdeploying bean over Server it gives me error like:-
11:16:23,156 INFO [STDOUT] org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.ejbql.ParseException: Encountered "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" at line 1, column 102.
Was expecting one of:
> ...

What is wrong in above Query? How to correct it?

Please help me.


Answer : Problem in EJB QL Finder Method.....

It looks like the data type used for the column cartdate is of type "DATETIME_VALUED_PARAMETER", and the function current_time() returns data of type "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP".  You need to work out how to convert CURRENT_TIMESTAMP into DATETIME_VALUED_PARAMETER or call a function that returns a DATETIME_VALUED_PARAMETER instead of current_time().

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