Question : Remote share acces problem

    We have two domains in different cities. Both are running Server 2003. They connected by a hardware VPN. Normally I would go to the run box and type \\city1server\c$ . It would then pop up with a windows authentication box. I would enter my credentials from that domain. The shared folder would open and I was happy. Recently when I type the\\city1server\c$ after a short time 30 seconds a minute I receive the following error. “The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged in to.”

   This is happening in both directions. It does not happen all the time but it is happening more often. To my knowledge, nothing has changed on either domain. I am not sure what account it is referencing, since I get the error before I enter an account. I can still remote desktop into the server and I have checked. There are no accounts locked out. I am looking for ideas what the problem might be.


Answer : Remote share acces problem

I found this article below:

"How to Reconnect to a Server in Another Domain After Being Disconnected"


After being connected to a server in a foreign domain, you try to connect to the server by typing \\servername in run and click OK. You receive the following error:

"\\ServerName is not accessible. You might not have the right permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions”

“The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.”

If you type “net use /d *” at the command prompt, and confirm you would like to remove all connections, and try to connect to the server again, you receive the same error, and do not get the chance to enter any credentials. You view the domain account being used and discover that the account is neither locked out, nor is the password expired.


This typically occurs when you are connected to a server in another domain, and the credentials you are using in that domain have been updated. It is also possible for this to occur, when the computer is frequently connected to, and disconnected from the physical network. The reason the error message is displayed is that the computer is attempting to connect to the server with invalid credentials.


To successfully reconnect to the server, open a command prompt and type the following:

“net use \\ServerName\IPC /u:Domain\UserName”

After pressing enter, you will be prompted for as follows:

“The password or user name is invalid for \\ServerName\IPC.”

”Enter the password for ‘Domain\UserName’ to connect to ‘ServerName’:

Enter the password for the account used, and you will receive:

“Command Completed Successfully”

After doing this, go to Start>>Run, and type \\ServerName, and click OK and you will be able to connect to the server.
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