Question : How do I set up wireless throughout the house without running cat5

I just recently moved into a house and Verizon has setup fios (fiber optic) with a modem/router combo on the main floor. I get good reception in the house, I have a desktop computer downstairs that connects wireless using a G adapter, and my other two laptops can connect throughout the house using the built in wireless card, the speed is OK.

Now I just bought a home theater system that allows you to connect to youtube, pandora, netflix online. I do not have a wireless adapter for it, and I would rather not spend money to get one. I do have a netgear B router just laying around and was curious if I could plug that router downstairs, have it connect to my current network, wirelessly. Then I could use the 5 ports on the netgear router and connect one of them to my home theater via a physical cat5, and the other one of the ports could be used for my Xbox 360.

Would this be a fairly easy setup or even make sense? If it is possible, I would additionally like to put another router upstairs, so that I have my main modem/router on the first floor, and two other routers that are on different floors wirelessly communicating with that modem to expand my network (up my bandwidth and speed) while giving me a reliable physical connection for my devices.

Answer : How do I set up wireless throughout the house without running cat5

Depending on your computer knowledge, this might be a challenge for you or it will take 20 minutes. I've done it on XP years ago but I don't really remember much. Try doing what's on this site

and searching google for "using xp as a router" and things like that. The website above should give you at least 90% of what you need though. If you want to delve into linux, there are 2 options. You can either do it from scratch following a guide such as

or you can download a copy of something like OpenWRT for x86 architecture.
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