Question : Looking for Vehicle Tracking Software

Is there a company that provides a vehicle tracking software? I have found a good-featured vehicle tracking device on . It comes with a couple of benefits like:
- Writing of own software for the devices based on interpreter that is close to BASIC and PASCAL
- Easy to learn coding
- Free of charge software development and free of charge simulator of the hardware for your PC
- Latest GSM module with support of GPRS
However, what I miss is tracking software that is able to read vector and raster maps. Single PC software is necessary and multi-user software would be nice to have. I am also interested on an Internet based vehicle tracking application on a reasonable price.

Answer : Looking for Vehicle Tracking Software

Hi Meff,

During our ISP changes and relocating of our web server we are having some temporary problems with web access.
Please, excuse us for inconvinience and try again later.
If you a hurry you can contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]
or you can leave your mail here and we can contact you.

Best Regards,
Random Solutions  
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