Question : Linux download

I have pentium 3 with 256MB Ram and 9GB disk space, which free version of Linux am I able to download?


Answer : Linux download

I seem to like the Ubuntu for the reason, it is almost like comes with all damn drivers :-) I had tough time with Redhat recognizing the Intel wireless card. But when I tried Ubuntu, it works like a charm (all devices detected).

Another reason I like it is because it is lightweight. I had winxp on a toshiba laptop => literally can boil an egg with that temperature. I loaded Kubuntu and it is like sleeping when doing what it is supposed to do.

Another reason again, is those guys at Ubuntu distribute you *this* *free* OS on CDs to your doorstep. You can download and you can have them send the CDs to you without any cost. I've never seen anybody like that.

There are 3 types of Ubuntu, Kubuntu (KDE Version), Xubuntu (Xine Ubuntu - I like this) and then eubuntu (I've never tried this yet)

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