Question : Terminal Services Rounting Problem?

Hi experts!

I need a solution to this problem very urgently...
this is my setup...

computer A is win2k server that acts as a internet server(DSL connection). I keep the the DSL connection active by setting up a remote router connection that keeps the connection persistent.

now i can connect into computer A from computer B (also win2k server) via terminal services client. but i cannot connect from computer A to computer B via terminal services client.

I can connect to computer B via terminal services client from computer C !

can someone pls tell me why this is happeneing and how i can solve very URGENT...

I need to be able to connect to computer B from computer A....


Answer : Terminal Services Rounting Problem?

here's the information from microsoft...

"Q. Do Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional have built-in Terminal Services CALs?
A. No, Microsoft desktop operating systems (including Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional) do not have a "built-in" Terminal Services CAL.

For Windows 2000 Terminal Servers, the license server issues machines running Windows 2000/Windows XP Professional with a "free" Terminal Services CAL from its built-in pool (and its use is permitted under the Windows 2000 Server EULA). Windows XP Professional is a successor to Windows 2000 Professional, and as a result does not need a Terminal Services CAL to access a Windows 2000 Server running Terminal Services. However, Windows XP Home Edition is not a successor to Windows 2000 Professional (rather, it is a successor to Windows Millennium Edition) and therefore does require a Terminal Services CAL in order to access Windows 2000 Terminal Services.

For Windows Server 2003 Terminal Servers, all clients need installed CALs assigned to them in order for them to connect to Windows Server Terminal Servers. (There is no "built-in" pool.) Owners of Windows XP Professional desktop licenses are eligible for free TS CALs, however. For more information, see Terminal Server Licensing Transition Plan."

and here's the information on the temporary licenses....

"Q. I installed a terminal server a little while ago and it works fine. Do I really need a licensing server?
A. Yes. Terminal Server is working now for you because it is in the "grace period." For the first 90 days after installation (120 days with Windows Server 2003), it will allow any unlicensed client to connect, while the terminal server waits for you to install a licensing server. After the end of the grace period, if no licensing server is found, the terminal server will stop accepting unlicensed connections. Please see the terminal services licensing white paper for more information."

if you install terminal server in application mode and don't install AND activate the licensing server it can't issue a permanent to the windows 2000 and XP professional workstations... therefore they receive a temporary license which is good for 90 days...

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