Question : Process between a client and a server when requesting a Web page?
Can someone explain the process that occurs between a client and a server when requesting a Web page?
Answer : Process between a client and a server when requesting a Web page?
Well, you're question is smoewaht blury as many thing happen when you request a webpage (it depends if it's SSL and so on...)
Anyways, for a basic page the overview:
After ip/dns verification Client send request to server (do you exist?) Server respond to client yes I exist -> Client change from connecting to server to requestigng HTTP Traffic no I don't exist -> Client return an error "Connectino Timeout" Client send a request onm port 80 Server respond Yes i"m open I have a webpage for you -> client will request the actual page No port 80 isn't open -> Access is denied in firefox, timeout in IE Client request the actual page Server checks existance yes the page exists -> client wants the page no it doesn't exist -> 404 error, the page isn't found :-( Client request the page to be sent over Server check if request is allowes yes then moving on no send error 403 unathorized Server check for authentification no I don't need authetification -> socket is open and page download starts yes I need authenmtification -> client is asked for credential Client provide the correct credential, moving one, the socket is open and the download starts OR Client provide wrong crendential (3 times) -> 401 error displayed on the client Download is happening between client and server, if it is successfull (the client and server keep checking the data) then the page is displayed !!! If the download failed, the client will go back to step one (do you exist, are alive ?)
It can be a LOOOOOT more detailled than that but if there is a specific spot where you need additional details it would be appreciated as it can take forever to explain the all transaction (there is looots and loooots of package exchange for a complete transaction)
Let us know