Question : Access OWA outside local network

I need to be able to access Outlook Web Access from anywhere on the internet.  It works just fine anywhere in my local network, but what do I need to do or open to access it from home or where ever.  I am using Windows Server 2000.

Answer : Access OWA outside local network

Ok first up you need an internet accessible or public ip address that you can use as an alias for your exchange server.

Now Microsoft at this point would condemn you to a lifetime of misery and suffering for not using an ISA server, and in all honestly you should, but if such luxuries are not available to you, you can make exchange work on its own safely if you are careful.

Next step is to obtain an ssl certificate for your exchange server, and install this onto the exchange virtual server, and configure IIS to listen for requests on pot 443.

Check that you webmail works internally, but now over an SSL connection.

Finally configure your router to route from the external IP address on port 443 to your exchange server also on 443

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