Question : Internet Connectivity

This is my first question out to you, so bear with me!
I recently moved and got setup with Centurytel and got a Westell 6100 modem for DSL access.

Through weeks of frustration and blue screens I found that I needed to turn off Norton firewall and Windows firewall, as the modem has a firewall.  Now, my problem is that the internet will time out.  My internet windows will go away and Itunes will time out.  This morning, as I saw this, I looked and saw an error box on the screen, it told me that the HTTP status was 12007.  I also looked at the modem logs and found a message that said 'PPP Link Layer Failure'.  Now, when I clicked on page refresh, the internet 'came back to life'.  I did not have to reboot the computer, or hard boot the modem.  I have had to do each of these things in the past when all the firewalls were running.  Now that I am down to one firewall, I am still having trouble staying connected to the internet.  And thus washing away old problem fixes, and trying to narrow down my issue(s).

This is very frustrating, and I know very little about modem life.  I came from dial up ~ finally....

Any help or direction is much appreciated!  

Answer : Internet Connectivity

not at all - you can just go down to the local computer shop and buy one off the shelf.  The isp will usually recommend one, and may even include one 'free' with setup.

either way, it's up to you.  again, talk to them about it. ;-)

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