Question : Asterisk Externnotify in voicemail.conf not running the assigned script

Using asterisk 1.4.25.    In the voicemail.conf file we assign a script to the externnotify parameter so that this script would execute whenever a voicemail is left.    The script simple will turn on the message waiting indicator on cisco phones (for testing purposes we have it just echoing text into a file).  

Manually, the script runs.  And turns on the MWI on the phones.  

From the conf file, it does not.  

Asterisk is running as root and we test the file as root as well.  

Suggestions on why the script is not executing are welcome.

If you need additional info, please post on what you would liek to see.

Answer : Asterisk Externnotify in voicemail.conf not running the assigned script

Ok,... I GOT IT WORKING.....

I have  absolutely no idea why this makes any difference.... but I put my script in /root/

Echo "TEST" > /root/testfile

....testfile was created after leaving a message.
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